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Organic agrifood
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Agricolture Biologique

The AB (Agriculture Biologique) brand is owned the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Develpment The brand may be requested by the French market for labelling organic agriculture products since, according to a survey carried out by INRA/Gret/Agence Bio (2003), 65% of French consumers recognise products as organic from this logo on the packaging.

Bio Brazil

Thanks to an agreement with IBD, one of the major brasilian certification bodies, CCPB provides a certification service for the companies willing to export organic products in Brasil.

Bio habitat

Bio-Habitat is a standard that covers the application of the organic method to green areas not destined for agricultural use.

Bio Suisse

Bio Suisse is a not-for-profit organisation representing the interests of Swiss Bud-label (National Organic Standard) producers and their licensees.


Bio Siegel is the German national logo that has labelled organic productions since 2001.

Bioceq Cleansers

CCPB srl in collaboration with Almagisi srl, activated a specific certification scheme for environmentally friendly cleaning products, wich is based on a specific standard.

Canadian Organic Regime - COR

On 30.06.2009, the definitive version of the COR (Canadian Organic Regime) regulations came into force; for further information on this subject, you can visit the website of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) which has a section dedicated to organic products

Carbon and water footprint

With the terms Carbon footprint and Water footprint we define the potential impact of a product, assessed during the entire life-cycle, in terms of greenhouse gasses emissions and of water resources consumption and degradation .

EPD - Environmental Product Declaration

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is a voluntary product certification scheme focusing on the environmental performances for a product, a process or a service, in order to improve their sustainability. EPD is developed in compliance of the UNI ISO 14025:2006 regulation (3rd type eco label); the environmental informations reported are based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in compliance with ISO 14040 regulation.


GLOBALG.A.P. today is the world's leading farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice in a rapidly growing list of countries – currently more than 125.

GMO-free Products

CCPB is offering organisations, including those in the agriculture and food supply chain, certification for products as not containing GMOs and also production processes that do not use these, together with the relevant supply chain control system.

GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

The use of natural fibers, their traceability on the production supply chain and and the adoption of eco-sustainable processes has led to the formulation of an international standard known as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).GOTS makes it possible to produce and promote textile products respectful of the environment and of the fundamental social rights of the workers.

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management is an eco-friendly cultivation method using techniques that guarantee lower environmental impact and a reduction of the release into the environment of chemical substances, integrating these with natural input.

JAS - Organic agriculture in Japan

JAS is the system regulating the methods used to obtain agricultural and agricultural food products destined for the Japanese market and their labelling.

Know your meal - Conosci il tuo pasto

Conosci il tuo pasto (Know your meal) is the certification for the aware catering. Any restaurant may meet the requirements for one or more than the five qualifying areas through a series of virtuous behaviors and get a clear and transparent certification.


Krav is the principal certification body for organic products in Sweden and products bearing this organisation's logo are well-known on the Swedish market and widely recognised by consumers as a sign of guaranteed high quality.

Medical Products with Organic Agriculture Ingredients

CCPB has set up a special certification scheme for Medical Products with Organic Agriculture Ingredients. The production Standards for this scheme set out the minimum requirements for ingredients, formulation and production process that a cosmetic needs to have in order to be called Medical Product, that is an instrument used in medicine for diagnosis or therapy.

NATRUE cosmetics

CCPB has been recognised by NATRUE (www.natrue.org), whose logo presents the application of a number of rules set out by the German natural and organic cosmetics industry and this logo is becoming the international benchmark for the sector. CCPB was the first Italian certification body to be able to certify products as compliant with this standard.

Natural cosmetics

The principle of the standard for Natural Cosmetics is the natural origin of the raw materials. The Standard sets out the minimum requirements of formulation and production process that a cosmetic needs for being certified as natural


Naturland is one of the major organic producers association founded in Germany in 1982, based in Grafelfing,near Muenchen. It's one of the associations that has always promoted development and growth of organic market not only in Germany but also on a international level.

NOP organic farming in the United States

The equivalence agreement (here all the info) between the NOP (National Organic Program) and the EC Regulation 834/2007 signed between the United States and the European Union, which entered into force in 2012, allows most of the EU certified organic products to be exported to the USA, accompanied by the NOP Import Certificate. Operators who want to be certified according to the US standard can find all the information on this page.

Organic agriculture in Lebanon and Middle East region

While the world is converting to organic agriculture at a rapid pace, in Lebanon and Middle East region is still launching this concept due to the lack of knowledge and substitutes.

Organic Agriculture Inputs Certification

CCPB, with experience in organic certification, has created a certification scheme for Organic Agriculture Inputs Certification.

Organic and natural home fragrances

CCPB offers a certification service for organic and natural home fragrances.

Organic cosmetics

CCPB has set up a special certification scheme for organic cosmetics.

Organic in South Korea

From February 2015 it is into force (for three anni), the agreement of mutual equivalence between EU and South Korea which is now one of the equivalent countries that permit import and export of certified organic products.

SA8000 Corporate Social Responsibility

CCPB is part of the Ethical Work Network coordinated by CISE – a special company of the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì - to deepen and spread the theme of Social Responsibility through the SA8000 certification.

Soil Association

The Soil Association is the main certification body for organic products in the UK and products bearing the association's logo are well-known on the British market and widely recognised by consumers as a sign of guaranteed high quality.

Textile Exchange: organic textile

Organic Content Standard (OCS) is the standard of organic textile prepared by Textile Exchange. The use of organic natural fibers, their traceability along the production chain and the adoption of eco-sustainable processes are the main objectives of the OCS.

Textile Exchange: recycled textiles

Global Recycled Standard (GRS) and Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) are the two standards set up by Textile Exchange for recycled textile products. These products focus on the use of recycled raw materials and want to be innovative for environmental and social issues. Both standards require the release of an environmental statement checked by a third party that tests the content of the recycled materials of the intermediate and finished products.

The Organic EU Regulation equivalency arrangements

If within the European Union, the organic farming is defined with Reg EC 834/2007, EU has stipulated equivalence agreements with non-EU countries in order to grant the trade of organic certified products to and from extra EU countries.

UNI EN ISO 22005 - Traceability System

The standard UNI EN ISO 22005:2008 has replaced the national standards for supply chain traceability (UNI 10939:2001) and for company traceability (UNI 11020:2002).

Vegan products

The certification for Vegan Products attests that a product or food has been obtained and processed without any animal origin substance in any step of the process.

Zero Residue

CCPB offers a certification service for all companies that aim to market vegetable products, in particular zero residue fruit and vegetables.


Authorisations and Accreditations

This section shows all visible and downloadable Authorisations and Accreditations of CCPB srl.

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List of operators certified

List of operators certified in Egypt in equivalence to Reg. EC 834/2007 in third countries.

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