About us

CCPB srl certifies organic and eco-friendly sustainable products all over the world.
With the merger of CCPB and IMC (Mediterranean institute of certification), CCPB is leader of 5 certification companies all over Mediterranean area and authorised by their respective agriculture ministries: Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and Middle East.

Middle East

Originally known as IMC Liban srl, the present company was created in Lebanon in 2004. Since July 1st, 2014, IMC Liban srl and CCPB srl, have decided to join their significant experiences in the field of agro-food production certification. In early 2018, IMC Liban srl, changed its name to CCPB Middle East s.a.l, as regional office of CCPB S.r.l bringing together several Middle Eastern countries such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. In this area CCPB Middle East is a leader in organic and environmental certification, for the production of quality food and for the sustainable quality of non-food products as well as environment.

Read about Society & Structure

Organic Agriculture in equivalence to the European Union

Today Egyptian companies can be certified according to other international standards, such as those recognized as equivalent to the European Union Regulation (for example the Organic Production Standard of CCPB), or others such as the National Organic Program (NOP) of the USDA, the Canadian Organic Regime (COR) of Canada or the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) of Japan and many others.

CCPB srl has been authorised by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Forestry, Food and Torusim Policies (MIPAAFT) as an inspection and certification body for organic products in compliance with the provisions of CE Reg. 834/07, and its subsequent amendments, and with Italian Ministerial Decree 220/1995.  The European Commission has also recognized CCPB as an equivalent certification body (according to Reg. EC 834/07), in 45 countries all over the world, including Lebanon, Saudi Arabi, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Syria. For more information visit www.ccpb.it/authorizzazioni-accreditamenti

CCPB is a partner of IFOAM “International Federation of Organic Farming”, EOCC (European Organic Certifiers Council) and Quavera.

Beyond Organic

CCPB operates in compliance with the most important international standards in order to offer an agrifood product certification able to guarantee integration between natural inputs and a reduction of chemical inputs.

  • Globalgap, Integrated Pest Management, Traceability system in agrifood sector, Vegan products, GMO-free Products, protected geographical indications for typical wine and food and the Conosci il tuo pasto (Know your meal) standard for food service and tourism.
  • In the sustainable market CCPB offers several certification schemes related to environmental product performances and carbon off set assessment.
  • In no food sector CCPB offers certification services for cosmetics and personal care, for  textiles and for  organic method for growing green areas.

Read here about all certification.

Some data

Today CCPB certifies about  13.000 companies, 12.000 of them for Organic branch. These companies are count big retailers, small and medium companies, start ups. About a third of the total Organic market turnover is certified by CCPB.

Certification can be very important for the growth of production branches. Many studies show that certification improves the quality of the product and its environmental impact, ensures food safety, improves productive processes and it’s an unreplaceable service of trust towards the consumers


Authorisations and Accreditations

This section shows all visible and downloadable Authorisations and Accreditations of CCPB srl.

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List of operators certified

List of operators certified in Egypt in equivalence to Reg. EC 834/2007 in third countries.

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