Documents for organic certification

Pubblicato il: 27/10/2017

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Whole Text

The coordinate Text is a document that includes both EU Rules about organic production, the labelling of organic products and the main domestic regulation.

Regulation for certification and control activity of organic products

This Regulation includes some rules to access and keep its own activity in the CCPB control system

Labelling manual

The manual shows a sum of the rules to label the orgnaic products:

  • makes uniform the label implementation modalities of the data
  • suggests technical solutions to meet many and different request by operators
  • PDF high resolution file allows a prompt graphic use

A correct and clear products label is not only mandatory by law, but a basic premise to support communication towards the users who in this way, may do their aware choice of orgnaic products

Products data sheet

Engagement Statement (former "Technical Report")

Organic Production standard

It's a tool for operators who are outside the European Union and wish to export products to EU member states