Organic versus conventional production yields

Organic versus conventional production yields

Can organic agriculture produce better yields than conventional agriculture? Yes it can, but under certain conditions. This is what is shown by the study commissioned by the certification body CCPB and carried out by Areté srl, which analyzed and compared the average yields of numerous cultures in a series of 11 extra European countries.

We will talk about it in a free webinar organized for Thursday 8th April, from 10.30am to 12pm. The webinar will be held in English

Intensive organic agriculture is more efficient than extensive conventional farming and the organic yields improve. This idea suggests how organic can help to "feed the world" in a conscious and responsible way.

Webinar Program (download)

  • Introduction Fabrizio Piva, CCPB srl Bologna – Enrica Gentile, Areté srl Bologna


  • The complementarity between organic and sustainable production Gabriele Canali, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Piacenza
  • The yields of organic products in non-EU countries: comparison with the conventional yields and analysis of the determinants Alberico Loi, Areté srl Bologna

Info >, tel +39 051 60 89 811

Deadline for subscription: April 5th, the day on which subscribers will receive the link to stream the webinar.

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