Varietal or Table wines
Varietal or Table wines are the wines for which is possible to indicate in the label the wine variety and the vintage, without any reference to the production area. Their production is included by the regulation wich norms the new wine sector market common organisation, comprehending the Geographical indications.
Italian legislation
The Italian Ministry listed a number of grape varieties which can be used in Italy in the label reference of the non - Geographically indicated varietal wines.
Advantages in certification of varietal wines
Even though for Italian Productions the choice of investing in table varietal wines is not rewarding in medium - long term, there's an evident opportunity for these wines to compete in emerging markets.
CCPB certifications validity
For the varietal wines certification CCPB is authorized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. The experience in certification in the normed sector and the pluriennal experience of the wine sector assigned office are the added value of our certification.
Certifying Varietal wines with CCPB
For the certification of Geographical indication the choice is given to the supply chain, for the certification of the varietal wines the choice of the Certification Body is given to the company, which will have to sent to Brescia CCPB office the following documents:
Varietal Wines Control System Access application
Protected Geographical Indications Control and Certification Services Contract
The company will have to send to the Ministry and to the Region Government in charge the notification of choice of the Control Body. For the varietal wines certification CCPB applies a specific price list.