Sicily Region - Guaranteed Safe Quality

Sicily Region - Guaranteed Safe Quality

The QS trademark - Guaranteed Safe Quality – aims for enhancing agri-food products with a high quality standard and promoting their diffusion according to specific production standards.

The control system

Compliance with the rules is regulated by a control system carried out by independent control bodies such as CCPB. Through the use of the trademark and the respect of the rules that distinguish it, a greater transparency on the product and on all the phases of its production process is guaranteed: traceability and data are the intrinsic characteristics of the product quality. 

The QS Trademark

According to the Rules of the Use of the QS Trademark and the Procedure for Using the Logo deliberated by the Region of Sicily, the products that can get this logo are the following per Supply Chain:

  • Vegetable productions: fruit and vegetables, table oil, cereals, leguminous and forage crops, nursery gardening, officinal plants.
  • Livestock productions: Pigs, sheeps, goats, beef cattle, dairy cattle, chickens, rabbits, heliciculture and beekeeping.
  • Fish supply chain: Fishery and acquaculture

How QS works

The Sicilian Region has published a Guideline (here PDF) for the functioning of the QS system. It sets up the principles and the criteria to define the binding production regulations. These guidelines must refer to the following areas: animal health and welfare, protection of agricultural biodiversity and genetic resources, protection of the environment and health of production,  intrinsic characteristics of the product and ethno-social and economic quality aspects. The control is carried out by independent control accredited bodies that operate according to the ISO 17065 Standard.

The Sicilian Region has currently published the following standards projects for the public consultation (30 days):
• Raw sheep's milk of sheep and goat and derivatives
• Local supply chain pig
• Fresh meat and derived products of Black Sicilian Pig

Our staff is available for any assistance and/or commercial offers on the certification of above approved standards.