QV - Verified Quality Veneto Region

QV - Verified Quality Veneto Region

CCPB is authorized by the Veneto Region to inspect its “QV – Qualità Verificata” branded products, regulated by Regional Law no. 12 of May 31, 2001

Integrated Pest Management in Veneto

Integrated Pest Management is a production system intended to reduce to the minimum the use of synthetic technical inputs (phytosanitary products and fertilizers), and saving water and energy consumption, not compromising the product quality respecting environment and human health.
The Quality system for Veneto has been settled by the Regional Law no. 12 of May 31, 2001 entitled “Protection and enhancement of quality agricultural and agro-food products” in order to demonstrate the application of the pertinent regulations for integrated production by participating companies.
The reference norm for QV is the one set by the Norm UNI 11233 on the Integrated Pest Management.

For more information check the following website and a vademecum on the information materials having the QV trademark.

How QV – Verified Quality works

Companies which intend to join the “QV – Qualità Verificata” quality system must fill out the electronic application which can be accessed on the website Regione Veneto (region’s link at the bottom) and enter CCPB as the Inspection Body, enter Contract for QV inspection and the cost estimate prepared by CCPB.
CCPB pledges to offer the service of inspection and attestation of compliance in accordance with the technical regulations for the system of inspection of products from integrated agriculture with the brand “Qualità Verificata (Inspected Quality)” which describes the procedure by which companies can obtain attestations of compliance and permission to use the QV brand.
Once the documentation has been received by the requesting company, CCPB will plan and carry out an initial inspection, followed by issue of the attestation of compliance which lasts one year. For subsequent years, if compliance to the production regulations is maintained as demonstrated in surveillance activities, CCPB will reissue the attestation of compliance.