Puglia Quality Products

Puglia Quality Products

Prodotti di Qualità Puglia (Puglia quality products) is a collective trademark with indication of geographical origin wich guarantees the quality and the regional origin of agricultural productions.

Puglia Quality Products

Beyond the Regional “Protected designation of origin” and the “Protected Geographical Indications”,with this label there’s an added value for those who join the food quality systems in compliance with EU Regulations n. 1698 of 2005, for which are defined technical product sheets by Puglia Region. In the field of application are also the Catering services for the “Prodotti di Qualità Puglia”labelled products providing.

With the authorisazion received by the Region, CCPB offers to the interested companies from Puglia the control and certification services for the quality and guaranteed traceabilty productions,protected my the Regional Trademark.

For more informations please contact the CCPB offices or visit the Prodotti di Puglia website.