Potato from Fucino - PGI

The companies wich are about to produce, pack and sell the Protected Geographical indicated Fucino's potato need to read the Production Standard (ita) and the Control Plan (ita) in order to assess the real chance to be compliant to all requirements.

Furthermore in order to be listed in control system the following documents need to be compiled, subscribed and sent to CCPB:

  • Certification contract (mod.CO/DO, ita), as a subscription of the Certification Regulation
  • Application for the control system “Fucino' s Potato" IGP (Mod. 01) and attachments (ita)
  • List of the stock/conditioning/packaging plants (Mod.02, ita) (just for agents and packers)
  • Cultivation sheet (Mod.03,ita) and attachments (just for farmers).

For the farm application it is required to attach the plots of land cadastre maps.

For the agents and packers it is also required:

  • A description of the handling, conservation and packing plants with an indication of the production lines for the GPI products (if that is the case)
  • A copy of the Certified Notification of the start of the Activity in compliance with EU Regulation N. 852/2004
  • The packaging material if available. If this is not the case the application will have to be integrated when it will be available.

Applications for preliminary subscription need to be submitted before 31st may.

From the beginning of the production/sale and twice a month, before 10th of the following month (ie. before 10th march for the january-ferbruary period) the following data need to be comunicated to CCPB: production and sales data using Mod. 4 “Production and sales data (ita)” and purchase and conferment record using Mod. 5 – "Purchase and conferment record (ita)".

Companies wich manage products after the pick up (agents and packers) need to inform CCPB using Mod. 7 “Activity beginning (ita)” the starting date for stocking and packaging of potatoes, or using Mod. 8 “Quantity variation (ita)” for the eventual change in quantities of managed product.

Farmers wich are in the control system need to send before 31st of may of the following years the Confirmation of Subscription application for control system (Mod.09, ita).

Companies willing to terminate the control system need to compile, subscribe and send to CCPB Mod.10 “Termination of Control System (ita)”.

The whole group of controls, compliances required to the operators and classification and management of non compliances is determined in the Control Scheme (Attachment 2 of Control Plan, ita).

The costs of control and certification services at the expense of the operators and the payment methods are defined in the Price plan ( Attachment 1 of Control Plan, ita)

Here you can find the authorisation to CCPB by Italian Ministry of Agriculture for the assessment activity for the protected geographical indication for Fucino's Potato