PGI peach of Verona

PGI peach of Verona

CCPB certifies the PGI Peach of Verona brand identiying "peaches and nectarines guaranteed and certified for their cultivated variety, sugar degree, taste balance, colour and size, wrapped in special packagings; the guideline covers the extra and first class production of white and yellow peaches and yellow nectarines of 18 municipalities in the Province of Verona". 

How to certifiy

Operators who want to produce, wrap and market the PGI Peach of Verona have to read the Guideline of Production and the Control Plan to evaluate their  possibility to  conform themselves to the requirements.


Agricultural farmers who want to produce the PGI Peach of Verona have to sent thier Certification Agreement (Form CO/DO) and their Application of Acceptance of the Control System (Form PV/DO) duly filled in and an identity document to CCPB by April 30th of every year:

  • Culture sheet included in the application (Form PV/DO)
  • Cadastral map of plots 

Intermediaries and  Packagers

Intermediaries and packagers who want to  wrap the PGI Peach of Verona have to sent the Certification Agreement (Form CO/DO), and their Application of Acceptance of the Control System (Form PV/DO) duly filled in and an identity document to CCPB by April 30th of every year:

  • Copy of the health authorization (or DIA or SCIA);
  • Certificate of the Chamber of Commerce;
  • Process and Structures File included in the Application (Form PV/DO)
  • Layout of the structures;


The controls, the  operators' fulfillments, the  classification and management of non-compliances are indicated in the Control  Schema (Encl. 2 of the Control Plan). The costs of control and certification service and  terms of payments are indicated in the Price List (Encl. 1 of Controls Plan). Then, the authorization of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy because CCPB is the certification body appointed for the activity of control of the POI "Peach of Verona".