Patata Felix – Campania Region

Patata Felix – Campania Region

CCPB is authorized by Regione Campania for controlling operators of the integrated protection management supply chain for potatoes. This let operators use the collective trademark “Patata Felix”.

Integrated Pest Management in Campania

Integrated Pest Management is a production system intended to reduce to the minimum the use of synthetic technical inputs (phytosanitary products and fertilizers), and saving water and energy consumption, not compromising the product quality respecting environment and human health.
The reference norm for Patata Felix is the one set by the Norm UNI 11233 on the Integrated Pest Management.

How Patata Felix works

Companies that would like to use this trademark for the potatoes grown in this region need to apply for authorisation to Regione Campania specifying the agrifood sites and the farms involved choosing CCPB srl as the chosen certification body.
After signing for acceptance the contract for certification service and the economic offer, CCPB will activate control and conformity assignment service as defined in the regulation for control system of Patata Felix trademark products.