Integrated Crop Management
Integrated Crop Management is an eco-friendly cultivation method using techniques that guarantee lower environmental impact and a reduction of the release into the environment of chemical substances, integrating these with natural input.
Environmental benefits of Integrated Crop Management
Adopting this method makes it possible to provide better environmental safeguards and to guarantee consumers greater food safety, in addition to adding more value to the products thus obtained.
CCPB's long experience and expertise mean we are able to offer companies engaged in agricultural production and/or the conditioning and processing of agricultural products our certification service for vegetable products obtained using this cultivation method, governed by Technical Standard NTPI/01.
How certification works
Companies intending to apply for certification for their products are required to meet the requirements and fulfil the obligations set out in Technical Standard NTPI/01, and to submit the Application for Certification , accompanied by its appendix and the other documents the standard requires, including the Technical Code of Practice, the essential features of which are set out in the Guide Lines.
Applicants are also required to sign the CCPB financial agreement and to sign the Certification Contract and its appendix.When CCPB receives the above documents, they will be subjected to an assessment procedure and then an onsite inspection of the production sites will be arranged.
Following the inspection of the production sites, the relevant committee, whose members represent the parties involved in the certification process, with make a decision, and, if everything is in order, the committee will issue certification, and the products in question will be added to the appropriate list.
The company will continue to be under the CCPB surveillance programme whose aim is to check that compliance with the Technical Standard NTPI/01 is being maintained.
This certification scheme is accredited by Accredia as compliant with the standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012