GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

The use of natural fibers, their traceability on the production supply chain and and the adoption of eco-sustainable processes has led to the formulation of an international standard known as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).GOTS makes it possible to produce and promote textile products respectful of the environment and of the fundamental social rights of the workers.

What's Organic Textile

GOTS certification for Organic Textile ensures the use of natural fibers (cotton,linen,hemp, silk, wool) grown in compliance with the Organic Agriculture principles, that is without the use of synthetic chemical inputs, or GMOs.
Here a video in which GOTS explains how the certification works

 CCPB is recognized and accredited by IOAS (International Organic Accreditation Service)as authorised certification body for textile products in compliance with the GOTS standard:

  • Certification of the trading and derivates
  • Certification of the textile and machinery processes, the fabric operations and its products
  • Certification of the finishing operations and their products
  • asessment of the GOTS chemical products


Companies intending to have their textile products certified (raw material, semi finished and finished products) is called to respect the requirements and amendments set out in the above standard, to submit the Application for Certification, and the required documents, including the control plan for the production processes the company intends to use to obtain the products for which certification is requested.Applicant companies are also required to sign the CCPB financial agreement on the basis of the fee table (available upon request) in operation and to sign the Certification Contract, that implies acceptance of the clauses in the Certification Regulations.

For more informations


If you want to receive the CCPB fee table and an offer you can send an email to the sales office of CCPB