EPD - Environmental Product Declaration

EPD - Environmental Product Declaration

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is a voluntary product certification scheme focusing on the environmental performances for a product, a process or a service, in order to improve their sustainability.

The susteinability of the EPD

Protecting environment and biodiversity, reducing polluting emissions, using renewable energy systems, adopting low impact habits: these are priorities for the world political agenda and for public opinion. EPD links environmental issues with products processing, allowing the promotion of possible sustainability in economic and industrial processes: for a company monitoring their own environment management means to know, develope and promote it.
EPDs are strategic means of communication providing objective data, which are comparable between functionally equivalent products or services. These data are also accountable: an independent body guarantees the accuracy of the LCA study.

EPD advantages

EPDs are strategic means of communication providing objective data, which are comparable between functionally equivalent products or services. These data are also accountable: an independent body guarantees the accuracy of the LCA study. Furthermore, data have mostly an information aim: there are no rating criteria or minimum accepted levels for the environmental performance.
EPD can be used for all products and services, in all product-processing steps. CCPB adopts and suggest EPD in particular for agro – food, textiles and cosmetics product chain.

LCA - Life Cycle Asessment

EPD is developed in compliance of the UNI ISO 14025:2006 regulation (3rd type eco label); the environmental informations reported are based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in compliance with ISO 14040 regulation.

We inform you that CCPB srl can also release the EPD Process certification, that is not covered by accreditation.