Environmental Impact Assessed
Assessed Environmental Impact is a certification scheme that assesses the environmental performances of the production processes in agrifood and agroenergy sector.
Indicators for sustainable agrifood productions
New economic, environmental and social trend pushed also the agricultural productions towards sustainability needs. As certifiers we would like to contribute with a definition of process indicators capable of measuring and assessing the products environmental impacts, even in a complex system as the agrifood chain is.
Our main aim is to offer a specific evaluation service focused on agrifood and agroenergetic supply chain.
These are the indicators per specific categories of environmental impact per Functional Product Units:
- greenhouse gases (GHG)
- water consumpion
- eutrophying power
- acidifying power
- toxicity of fresh water
- soil toxicity
- respiratory diseases caused by inorganic substances
- ozone layer thinning
- photo – chemical oxidizers formation
LCA - Life Cycle Assessment
All the environmental information reported are based on Life Cycle Assessment(LCA), in complince with the norms in the ISO 14040 series.
All daily use products generate environmental impact during their life cyle: from the extraction and processing of the raw materials, the production, transport and in most cases even during the use and end of life treatment.LCA is the methodology, established on a international level, for quantification of the environmental impacts during their entire life.