PGI Chestnut of Monte Amiata

PGI Chestnut of Monte Amiata

Producers and  preparers who want to produce, treat, pack and market the PGI Chestnut of Monte Amiata may evalaute in advance their possibility to meet the requirements of PGI by carefully reading the Production Regulations and the Controls Plan.

Operators who want to be included in the control system (or already included, have to make a change) must fill in, undersign and send the following documents to CCPB:

  • Certification Agreement (form CO/DO),  aknowledgement of acceptance of the Certification Regulations 
  • Application to the list and use of PGI logo "Chestnut of Monte Amiata”
  • Producers application form  (only chestnut farmers)
  • Preparers application form 

Farms must enclose the 1:2000 planimetric/altimetric company cadastral maps, their cadastral certificates and acts proving the availability of lands (lease agreements, loan, etc.) to their application. 

Intermediaries and Packers must also enclose:

  • A description of the implants and working premises, preservation and packaging with indication of the lines for the production of POD products  (in case of a spatial separation of the production cycles) including a 1:200 units planimetry, cadastral certificates and acts proving the availability of facilities (lease agreements, loan, etc.), list of own equipments
  • A Copy of  the Certified Start Activity Advisory (food SCIA or similar document) as per the CE No. 852/2004 Rules
  • The product packaging Material if available. If not, it will be included in the next addition of the application 
  • Statement of fulfillment of the obligations as per CE 852, 853, 854, 882 /2004 Rules (hygiene package)

First applications must be forwarded by April 30th of every year

Producers registered in the list of PGI  “Chestnut of Monte Amiata” production must forward the production complaint drawn up on the form Production Complaint Form to CCPB , within 10 days after the end of the harvest.

Preparers registered in the list of PGI "Chestnut of Monte Amiata" preparation must inform CCPB about the start of preparation activities three days before and, within 10 days after the end of all the preparation activities, the complaint of the worked porduct drawn up on the Production Complaint Form.

The renewal is automatic if no notice of withdrawal is received for all operators involved in the system. Operators who want to exit the control system must send their request by letter or fax to CCPB. Operators who hold or change their activities have to send a communication by fax or registered letter against acknowledgement of receipt to CCPB within 15 days after the interruption of the activity.

The costs of the control and certification service that Operators have to pay and terms of payments are indicated on the Price List.