Canadian Organic Regime - COR
On 2009 the definitive version of the COR (Canadian Organic Regime) regulations came into force; for further information on this subject, you can visit the website of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) which has a section dedicated to organic products
CCPB was one of the first non-Canadian organisations to be recognised by CFIA to be compliant with the requirments for this new standard.
Equivalence COR – EU
On June 2011 an equivalence agreement between Canada and EU has been reached.
On the basis of this agreement the processed agriculture products obtained in compliance with European Regulation 834/2007 are considered equivalent to the prducts obtained and processed in compliance with COR and they can be sold, labelled or offered in Canada as organic, comprehending the use of Canadian Organic logo.
The COR-EU equivalence agreement does not apply for wine: the operators willing to export Organic wine in Canada need to require to CCPB the COR certification.
Application of certification
The application for COR certification is needed only for the operators willing to export Organic wine to Canada. In order to access the certification service,the operators are required to submit to CCPB the appropriate Application for Certification and Product Schedule with the list of each product they intend to export.
Application assessment and inspection audit
The Auditor, once the inspection has been made, reports the evidences of the audit in the check list for the further assessment by CCPB.
On the basis of the inspector's report, and after listening to the opinion of the Inspection and Certification Activities Office manager, and as a result of any further information that may be requested from the operator, at any time, the Certification Committee will make a decision on whether to certify the company and the products for which certification has been requested.