Biodiversity Alliance

Biodiversity Alliance

CCPB offers to the single companies or companies head of the supply chain of the primary vegetable production (cooperatives, associations, packaging plants, exc.) Biodiversity Alliance, a service of certification that aims to reinforce biodiversity in an agro-ecosystem.

Measurign biodiversity

The sustainable development depends also from comprehension, protection and conservation of the numerous interactive ecosystems of the planet. For this reason we consider important that the farms are now able to measure and inform through this certification their potential and committment in the mantainance and growth of Biodiversity.

QBS - Soil Organic Quality

The methodology at the basis of the biodiversity assessment is the analysis of the soil organic quality, that takes place through the QBS Soil Organic Quality index , associated to the asessment of the agronomic practices adopted (fertilization, rotations, exc.), of the production systems (es. agricoltura biologica, agricoltura integrata) and of the environment.

How Certification works

The organizations intresed to Biodiversity Alliance need to:

  • be compliant to the requirements and the fulfillments included in DTP17
  • present application for certification
  • subscribe the financial offer that CCPB will prepare
  • subscribe the contract for certification, which implies the acceptance of clauses obtained in the Regulation of the Certification System of the agrifood products and in its attachment.

At the receipt of the application,CCPB proceeds with:

  • the documents assessment
  • the inspection audit in the production sites
  • decision for certification
  • emission of the certificate and subsequent inscription in the certified products record
  • with the surveillance activity, then, CCPB assesses the mantainance of the compliance

For futher information please contact us.