Authorisations and Accreditations

This section shows all visible and downloadable Authorisations and Accreditations of CCPB srl.


CCPB srl has been authorised by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Policies (MIPAAF) (with Italian Ministerial Decree 220/1995), as an inspection and certification body for organic products in compliance with the provisions ofReg UE 2018/848, ans its subsequent amendments.

In order to improve the quality of our work and to provide further guarantees to our customers and consumers, CCPB srl has applied for and been granted ACCREDIA accreditation, according to the Standard UNI CEI EN 17065 relating to product/process/service certification specifically for the organic production method.

To download the Certificate of Accreditation click here

In Usa, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden. In UK, Germany, France, Norway, Brasil and South Korea, CCPB offers inspection services for national organic standards.

The European Commission has also recognized CCPB as equivalent certification body (according to Reg UE 2018/848), in 45 countries all over the world (here there is list of control bodies and control authorities).


CCPB elaborated organic production standards under EC regulations as an instrument for the operators.

CCPS is the first Italian organisation to be recognised as fit to operate in compliance with USA (NOP – National Organic Program), Japan (JAS) legislation and COR (Canadian Organic Regime).

Organic No Food

CCPB provides certification services for the schemes of the textile sector GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)  TE (Textile Exchange) and the cosmetics sector NATRUE.

For these sectors, CCPB is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification (Accreditation number: 28).

Please refer to for current information.


CCPB is also authorised as certification body for certification and inspection of POD – PGI – TSG and typical wines.

CCPB is accredited also for UNI 11233 (Integrated Pest Management), Globalgap standard, ISO 22005 (Traceability system in agrifood sector), Reg CE 1151/2011 (high quality agrifood productions), Regg CE 1308/2013 e 1306/2013 (POD – PGI – TSG and typical wines) and Reg 110/2008 (PGI for wine category).

To download the Accredia Accreditation Certificate click here

Other accreditations

CCPB is accredited with ACCREDIA for ISO 17020 (Ispezioni) and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

To download the Accredia Accreditation Certificates click here